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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Beginning of the story!

Heyya` Guest i'm new here! :) Well i've been thinking a lot of things these days.. I guess i wasn't prepared enough. xD I hate to say this .. But i've fell in love with somebody . It;s not because i'm a LOVE HATER but it's because he's not close enough to me ..  I guess i may address him as "MY STAAR.." Because he shines so brightly also i've fell in love with him in his brightness.. Yet he's .. He's far away from me . I guess you may call that as a star right !? x'D Mou~ These things always makes me cry! I guess i should stop it!
He was like a prince to me . Yet everybody or somebody despise him though he's appearance looks like a prince. I always hoped that there will be a time i'll save him from those people who frightened his way on his life. Back to his life. There will be a time that he'll thank me for every shield i did to him . xD He's a star prince for me .. yet how can a prince and star combine right ?! So .. I decided that he'll become my star . Cause Stars shines so brightly and it's very attractive.. yet you can't touch nor hold them .. Cause they're so far away from us. Same as a prince right ? :)
This is the end of my blog..
Hope you like it 
Arigatou ne~ :)

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