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Saturday, October 9, 2010


Ok . So i went to this party at my cousin's house. I thought it would only be me and our other cousins. But then i saw i bunch of people wearing their school uniform. Then i thought i might be alone for now.. I'm really a shy person. yet i want to talk to them. But something keep's telling me not to. Because if i do i might humiliate myself.. I walked fast enough as i can but i'm not running. Then some girls hang on my way. then they talked to me. of course i was nervous.. But then i realize i should'nt  so i lift my head up. Then i talked to them. I said "May i help you?" Well that was just an easy question i guess. Then one of those girls talked they said. "Hey you're cute! You're the cousin of ------- right?" I guess it wasn't that hard after all .. Then they joined me to chatter around with them. It was kinda fun. Then i saw some cute boys waaah! x'3 HAHA! Daydreaming much ? it was the best party ever! :D

- End. ♥

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